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Sort waste - when you sort biowaste, other useful fractions can be easily sorted! Compost bio-waste - composting is a natural way to use organic waste! This is how it works - from us you get products for sorting and composting  biowaste! Composting involves the decomposition of biowaste into nutrients. Composting takes place in nature, all organic waste is composted and nutrients are returned to the natural cycle ("from the soil - to the soil again"). The shortest and most efficient way to recycle nutrients and resources is at the place where waste occurs - in households it is in the kitchen.

Do following:

1. Sort bio-waste in your kitchen - at the same time you can easily sort all recyclable wastes. From us you can get practical solutions for sorting and composting the biowaste. 2. a) In a detached house - in a cottage: sort the biowaste into the composter. Sort other recyclables into the collection b) in an apartment building: the biowaste to the composter (pre-composter and empty into a larger composter or biowaste collection bin). Sort other recyclables for the collection. When composting biowaste close to its source you work in an environmentally friendly way - the environment is not burdened by waste shipments - recycling Waste is simple and effective. Ask us how composting works in your home. In the compost, the decomposition of biowaste is efficient, the compost temperature remains high and harmful bacteria and weed seeds are destroyed. The composter takes care of the necessary conditions for composting, ie. nutrients, air, moisture and heat are suitable. Composting RAITA compost makes sense - and it's easy! Equipment, methods and methods from us.

Composting methods:

The end result of composting is rich in nutrients. rich soil. A good result can be achieved with many ways. The methods are developed in practice for each user. Here are some tips to help you create your own "best" method of composting with our products: Sort the bio-waste directly in the kitchen and empty it to the compost in the yard at intervals of a few days. Add litter and nutrients to then needed. Empty the compost during the growing season. This is well suited for cottages and villas. The composts 180, 450 and 800 are well suited for cottages and villas. Sorted biowaste can also be placed in a “inter- mediate composts ”for posting on, for example, a balcony, terrace, closer location. Emptying to composts occur less frequently - the range is from a few weeks to months. Our Twin 12 and 45 models are well suited for pre-composting. The outdoor compost can be emptied to 180, 450 or 800 or large composts. It can also be emptied for joint collection of biowaste. This is well suited for composting in urban conditions. Learn more about different methods and experiences on our FB website.  
COMPOSTORS       since 1978
composting, biowaste, waste sorting, waste management, recycling, reuse, circular economy, circular economy, track environment, Ilkka raita